We have a library with a large number of books on Information Technology, Social Work, Management, Psychology, Religion, Accountancy and general themes. Our library also has a number of international and national journals, magazines, news papers and CDs. Internet connection in the library enables the students to have online-access to global resources. Library is open from 8.30 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.
Professional computer education is meant to produce expert software engineers and a well-equipped computer lab is a pre-requisite. The Department of Computer Science has a state of the art computer centre using cutting edge software technologies. We have a well furnished air-conditioned computer lab with more than 90 PCs connected in a LAN. It provides 10 mbps internet access through high speed Broad Band connectivity. Apart from Microsoft Technologies, we do emphasis on free software and Open source Technologies such as Linux, Solaris and Java.