Animation association is for students who have an interest in animation, whether it’s creating their own work. The club meets up to watch/discuss movies, collaborate on projects, or go to conventions. This club unites animation students, enthusiasm, and fans of animations in general into an environment.
Association (CAT) Inauguration ceremony was on 26th July 2019 at college auditorium. Chief Guest, Mr. Rakesh G, Chief Faculty, Animation & Multimedia, Cindrebay School of Design, Kozhikode, inaugurated the Association and Fr. Dr. Boby Antony CMI, Principal, delivered the keynote address. The occasion was graced with the presence of Vice Principal, Fr. Jince Padinjarayil CMI, HOD, Dr. Bijimol TK, Association Staff Coordinator Mr. Joel Reji, Student Coordinators Mr. Albino V Biju and Ms. Aneetta Joy.The formal function was followed by variety of cultural programmes of the students.